Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Designing the title

In this lesson I have started designing the title of the magazine. Firstly, I researched different websites for font generator and I found to help me find an appropriate font for my title. However, before I decide which title I'm going to use, I will create another survey for the magazines motto.

I used decorative font and changed the colour of each letter.
This is so that the different colours show the variety of the students.
Moreover, this title would only be clear to read if the background
image I use will be black and white or edited so that it contrasts with the title.

Considering that the first title I have designed is most likely to ''blend in''
with the background image, I only changed the colour of three letters so that the
whole title could be seen clearly. Furthermore, if I was to use this design,
I would change the green letter to yellow for the effect of using the primary colours.

In this design, I have left the font sharp,clear and single coloured, because I added
loggo to the title - palette, which is colourful and gives the design a simple but
profesional look. However, if I chose this design I would try changing the font so that
it appears more artistic.

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