Saturday, 13 November 2010

Flat Plan for Front cover and Contents page

Here are my flat plans for my front cover and also for contents page. As I gather appropriate images, I will decide which flat plan is more succsesful and which I will use as my final design by doing a survey.

front cover 1

Front cover 2

  I have asked my classmates which one of the front cover design is more approprite,appealing and looks more conventional. The results were:
   front cover draft 1 = 6 people thought it was better designed as it also included cover lines for other stories in the magazine 
   front cover draft 2 = 8 people thought this layout was more succsful as the cover story was placed in the centre,however some suggested that the captions should be placed on the bottom.
Therefore, I will use the flat plan 2.

Contents page 1

Contents page 2

I have done the same survey for my contents page flat plans, and found out the second flat plan was much more conventional for everyone i have asked - as it is easier to follow and understand. This was also because the first layout wouldn't suit the rock/pop genre.
Considering my classmates views, I will use the second layout for my contents page.

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